Valkformations believes in people and their desire to bring about the change we need to see in the world and its organizations 

I shed light on what goes right and connect people and organizations to the energy of the higher purpose of changes ahead, so that we may look forward to trip

My role in this is guiding you and your organization as coach and organizational transformation consultant

Alone you go fast, together we’ll get further. 

Yes, we can.




What I can do for you


What I can do for your company 


Why Coaching

Although you may be aware that things are not as they should be you do not manage to see, feel or do things differently.  You see patterns that return and undermine you.

My philosphy is that behind your imbalances or patterns, you are already complete and whole. There is nothing that needs to be repaired, perfected or changed about you. However, you may have lost connection with your very core. I see it as my task to bring this space back into your  awareness. With a more freed-up and expanded idea of who you really are comes (self-)knowledge, (self-)confidence and  more authentic(self-) trust.

Coaching I’m certified as an integrative coach/counselor. This means I can apply multiple coaching techniques. Coaching is always about wanting to see something changed in your life but not knowing (anymore) how. Coaching gives you more (self)confidence, decisiveness and skills

Counseling I’m certified as an IEMT practitioner. Integral Eye Movement Therapy is the not yet well-known successor to EMDR. Stress that you experience here and now can be linked to previous stressful, traumatic and sometimes unconscious memories. That linking happens in your limbic, emotional brain, not in your neocortex, the rational brain. That’s why you may very well understand why you feel and behave a certain way, but find it does not necessarily affect the ability to feel and behave differently. By applying IEMT you notice that you are liberated from those automatically interlinked reactions and feelings. Difficult memories are not gone, but no longer in the way of finding new ways to feel and behave.

About me

Born in Hilversum, the mediacity of Holland, I was cast in a tv serie by the age of 12. It ignited a life long interest in the art of film, tv, theatre and the stories being told in them. Embarking on journeys of heroes and villans, identifying with their successes and failures and having emotional, cathartic experiences because of it, I always felt movies can make us feel so much about what it means to be human and find purpose in life’s experience.

After graduating in Film&Television at the University of Amsterdam, the whish for my own bigger-than-life story emerged and I decided to see as much of world as possible. Working for KLM, I flew around the world more than a hundred times and met a wide range of different people in all kinds of countries. New York and Delhi became favorites. When I was in Amsterdam, I run my own company as television producer but also worked as free lance stylist, photographer, deejay, model, actress, party organizer, column- and website writer. Always looking for ways to mold worldwide inspirations into new creations. Becoming a mom and raising an all-boys family, the whish for more meaningful travels, closer to home became apparent. I went ‘back to school’, got my master in Coach/Counselor and started a practice.

Breaking my wrist forced me to quit juggling my many jobs. I embarked on yet another adventure by starting to work at KLM headoffice. I studied further (a.o. Organizational Coaching), obtained many training certificates (a.o. Change Management) and within the 10 years of my corporate career ended up as ‘Change & Transformation manager KLM’,  responsible for having 30,000 people embrace a cultural change called Moving Your World. Calling myself ‘a hippie with a businessplan’, I loved being able to move through multiple circles, connecting people of all sorts and kinds.

I always felt a deep desire to guide people and companies to look into- and beyond themselves, find purpose and create a new and more inspiring narrative around who they are and want to be. This led to the foundation of Valkformations at the beginning of 2021: coaching and consulting on transformation trajectories for individuals and companies. Both have the same psychology of change at their core: through transcending (sometimes self -imposed) boundaries and strengthening (already existing) connections, more inspiring stories about ourselves become manifest.


Purpose based transformation

Valkformations specializes in the heart of transformation: purpose based, people oriented change & transformation trajectories to ensure a successful implementation of the company strategy. Through engaging people, from all layers in the organization, in the early stages of designing a company purpose, engagement on that very purpose is created from the beginning.

Whatever the Head (the big strategic decisions) and Hands (the processes and projects defined) of organizational transformation, it’s the Heart (people) that makes the strategy tick and come alive. Be it sales excellence, digitization, sustainability, customer intimacy, shrinking , growing, more efficient processes or a different way of working, it is always the
people, the employees, that need to understand, even embrace the
strategy so that things get done that way. 

This requires a strategic and structured approach to the people side of change and transformation. I am certified in Prosci’s Change Management methodology. Prosci, the number one change management company in the world, uses the ADKAR model, describing the phases an indiviual has to go through, to embrace change: 

Awareness: I understand why this change needs to happen
Desire: I have decided to participate and support the change 
Knowing: I know how to change 
Ability: I am (en)able(d)  to make this change 
Reinforcement: I continue to sustain the change 

Prosci provides you with 5 changemanagement tools to define your change management strategy to engage people in times of of change. A Communicationplan, Sponsor roadmap, Coaching plan, Trainingplan and a plan to celebrate succes. These 5 tools help you to strategize and prepare for succesfully implementing any organizational transformation.

Always start with why

The starting point of any change or transformation, is to clarify the why, in clear and unambiguous language. Sometimes, even though there has been communication about what will change, noise or vageness remains, as to why these changes are necessary.

A company united under one purpose

(Re-)defining the company purpose is a precondition for all effective change and transformation.  A well-defined purpose explains why you matter to your customers and employees alike. Why they love (working for) you. This defining needs to be done, in workshops, with as many collegueas as possible. Together we create in clear, concise and unambiguous language about the why, how and what of the organization. By jointly determining an inspring, meaningful and heartfelt purpose. 
By linking the purpose, in the same engaging workshops, directly to the desired, optimal customer experience and to what needs to be done internally to get there, the core of the company is created, on one A4 sheet. This document will provide you with the kind of language that is understood and felt by all and will provide you with direction to all other change (strategic) transformations that may be ahead. 

So slow down to speed up and define your purpose first!


Contact me


Binnenkant 24
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Mon-Fri 11:00 - 19:00